Whilst he would prefer more hours in the day to perfect the shot, there is not a lot Kabelo Thathe would change about his job. Despite growing up wanting to become a marine biologist, it was the strong pull of film that eventually lured him to its shores in 2000.
Having finished high school in Minnesota, Kabelo soon realised that he was deeply influenced by everything he saw and experienced around him. He sees the world in pictures, particularly beautiful ones. So he made it his job to become a cinematographer. Finding frames that resonate with people is where he gets his kicks.
No matter the challenges on the day, Kabelo loves that he gets to amplify the amazing stories of those around him. Once that kid who pasted movie posters on his bedroom wall he’s now the guy who gets to create those images for the next generation of wide eyed DOP’s.

Whilst he would prefer more hours in the day to perfect the shot, there is not a lot Kabelo Thathe would change about his job. Despite growing up wanting to become a marine biologist, it was the strong pull of film that eventually lured him to its shores in 2000.
Having finished high school in Minnesota, Kabelo soon realised that he was deeply influenced by everything he saw and experienced around him. He sees the world in pictures, particularly beautiful ones. So he made it his job to become a cinematographer. Finding frames that resonate with people is where he gets his kicks.
No matter the challenges on the day, Kabelo loves that he gets to amplify the amazing stories of those around him. Once that kid who pasted movie posters on his bedroom wall he’s now the guy who gets to create those images for the next generation of wide eyed DOP’s.